Master of Damage/Isle of the Nameless
so i was trying some things out on a dervish the other day and went to the master of damage to test some dps. then went into RA/AB and saw that i was doing quite a bit less damage with [[chilling victory] in battle than i did on MoD. that's to be expected a little due to armor/damage reduction in the actual game but, i mean, it was a lot less damage than i expected.
i went back to MoD and realized that i was using [[chilling victory]'s PvE version on Master of Damage and, of course, the PvP version in RA/AB.
i suggest adding a "isle of the nameless (pvp)" area in GToB or allowing us to select whether we want the PvE or PvP version of the skill before we enter Isle of the Nameless.
if there's already a way to do this, post it, flame me, and close this thread plzkthxbai.